Salam semua,gambar kali ini mempunyai tema dan gaya yang berbeza daripada karya(chewah..haha) aku yang sebelum ini.Leen jadi model!!hehe.Muka fotogenik tu.
yg ni plak...err,penekanan lebih kepada susun atur perkataan.Anda boleh komen susunan perkataan yang aku design ni.
a nice begin.huhuhu..shafiq, you have to be careful on putting the words and make sure it does not overlap each other - or use the good color combination for the wording, or otherwise the words cant clearly viewed. Both was very nice. Especially Hanis's image. Leen's image was nice to, but if you eliminate that 3 picture and just focus on yourself leen, I think that one would be nice too..
Senyum la skit bile bergmbr shafiq...hehe...gmbr tu dah elok sgt dah..
Keep it up.Design more pictures, try to play with classic concept, try to play with dynamic concept, then I can learn with you.. =)
Trima Kasih Ron,skarang dah tahu kelemahan aku.Nnti aku akan baiki mane lemah aku.
Thanx for the comment ye shafiq..
dear syafiq..
good starting..kalau nak buat editing,pastikan nampk kemas n teratur..pengguna typo(font)penting supaya viewer rasa tenang je...ikut pada mood ar.kalau mood ganas pakai ar typo ganas..heehe..guna 2 atau 2 jenis font saja..jgn lebih..dan pastikan font pada tumpuan utama anda gunakan jenis san-serif font..(verdana,centry gothc..or jenis font xde ekor)..ape2 pun..keep itu up..
PSTTT...Leen tu dah ok.Muka tahu dia.aku nak buat as model..hehehe..Ko tu senyum skit..jgn masamm je..hehhee
Thanks Nas,trima kasih utk komen
Komen tu sangat2 berguna!!!!
xsangka fiq minat edit2 gmbr ek... cantik hasilnya fiq..
Thanks...dulu kita pnggil Syah n Fiq..skang.. dh pnggil Honey n Dear...minat gak,tapi biasa2 jer Honey,..hrap gmbar kahwin kita esok2 Dear leh buat lagi cantik dari yang ni.. :)
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