Week 1: The Core Blast
The Moves You Should Do:
- Pushup-position plank
- Dumbbell swing or jumping jack
The Workout You Should Do:
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
- Hold the pushup-position plank for 60 seconds.
- Without resting, do 20 dumbbell swings or jumping jacks.
- Repeat the above sequence, without resting, until the timer goes off.
Rest for less than a minute and complete 2 more rounds.
Professional Tip:
Crank up the difficulty by increasing rep speed.
Week 2: The Sprint Set
The Moves You Should Do:
- Pushup
- 30-second sprint
- Situp
- Prisoner squat
The Workout You Should Do:
Rest as little as possible between these exercises.
- 10 pushups
- 30-second sprint
- 10 situps
- 30-second sprint
- 15 prisoner squats
- 30-second sprint
Repeat 3 times.
Professional Tip:
Squeeze your glutes as you press up in your squats.
Week 3: The Doubleheader
The Moves You Should Do:
- Pushup-position plank
- 30-second sprint
- Dumbbell swing or jumping jack
The Workout You Should Do:
Combine elements of the first two workouts, resting as little as possible between exercises.
- 30-second pushup- position plank
- 30-second sprint
- 30 seconds of dumbbell swings or jumping jacks
- 30-second sprint
Rest for 30 seconds; repeat the sequence 6 to 8 times.
Professional Tip:
Treat the sprint as your recovery period.
Week 4: The Kitchen Sink
The Moves:
All exercises combined.
The Workout:
Follow each of these exercises with a 30-second sprint.
- 30-second pushup-position plank
- 30 seconds of dumbbell swings or jumping jacks
- 10 pushups
- 10 situps
- 15 prisoner squats
Rest 1 minute and repeat the sequence twice.
Professional Tip:
On the final circuit, do as many reps as you can.
Then this is the moves you should learn
Stand tall with your hands behind your head and your elbows back. Sit back at your hips and bend your knees until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Then press back up to a standing position. Performing squat exercises is a great way to improve your leg strength.Besides the obvious strength benefits for your glutes, hamstring and quadriceps, prisoner squats also help to realign your shoulder blades.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a dumbbell with both hands with an overhand grip. Swing it between your legs as you bend at the hips and knees, as if you're about to hike it to a quarterback. Then swing it up to shoulder height as you stand. The dumbbell swing is an excellent exercise that generates power from the hamstrings and hip flexors.

Pushup-Position Plank
Assume the starting position of a pushup, with your arms straight. Keep your head in line with your body and squeeze your abs and glutes.The plank is a great exercise for working towards a flat stomach and getting your core in shape but it can become a little boring just sitting there and holding the position for however long you can. Adding the push up into the exercise brings in the chest and tricep muscles and takes your mental focus off your stomach and abdominals even though they are getting the same workout.
Dah macam spartan training dah aq tengok...
ha ha ha ha...
tengok body body dorang camne pon dh kecot..
Sounds like pretty hard for me. :p
actually it is not really hard as you think, try first, after that you feel the difference
syaffeq dah buat??? resultnya??
Alhamdullillah, saya dah mula mengamal senaman tu
result ketara masih belum dapat di lihat buat masa sekarang,sbb baru 3 hari buat :)
tapi da rse da ketat kat pewot..betis makin keras,,itula yg bolh dikongsi buat mse ni :D
Gosh! I need to find smth dat can boost me to start this thing!
Fauzan Abdullah :
The important thing is your self motivation. You should put yourself into a discipline to make this as your routine exercie..secondary student opinion..hehehe
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